Plaster added with plastic cable waste as a new traditional sustainable material
Plastic waste, gypsum, sustainable construction, recyclingSantrauka
The objective of this work is to analyze the possibilities of reusing plastic waste of cables added in a plaster matrix.
Firstly, the experimental process has allowed the physicochemical characterization of the raw material, plaster and plastic waste, consisting in elemental analysis, XRD and thermogravimetric analysis; Secondly, the performance of physicomechanical tests of the mixtures, Shore C hardness, absorption and resistance to flexion and compression.
During the investigation, the water/plaster ratio of 0.8 was maintained, as well as the grain size of the plastic waste as it comes from the recycling factory (maximum 3 mm). On the contrary, the amount of added plastic waste has oscillated up to incorporate 50%, 60% and 70% over the weight of the plaster.
In comparison to a reference sample, the obtained compounds are characterized by having a higher Shore C hardness, a lower absorption by capillarity and a decrease in their values of mechanical resistance.
The addition of plastic waste to a plaster matrix can be considered as a possibility to obtain compounds of greater sustainability to be used in the field of sustainable construction.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alejandra Vidales Barriguete, Carolina Piña Ramírez, Patricia Aguilera Benito, Mercedes del Río Merino , Evangelina Atanes Sánchez
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