About the Journal

Published by the Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences since 2004, annually journal, 70 copies. It was named Formation of Urban Green Areas till 2018.  (ISSN 1822-9778 (print) / ISSN 2029-4549 (online).

Thematic scope:
• Transport Engineering (sustainable urban development; traffic safety; car reliability; intermodal, multimodal and combined transport; information transport systems; logistics chains; transport economy; green logistics),
• Construction Engineering,
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
• Chemical Engineering (food safety and quality; cleaner food production; innovative technologies in the food industry; functional food),
• Mechanical Engineering,
• Measurement Engineering,
• Environmental Engineering (landscape design; landscape architecture; decorative greenery),
• Informatics Engineering (smart control, system implementation),
• Informatics (smart information technologies)
• Chemistry,
• Public Health (dietetics, nutrition),
• Management (business process management, social communication).

Regulations on Publication Ethics
Research paper publishing and authorship

  • The compiling and publishing of the scientific journal "Development of Sustainable Environment" is carried out in accordance with the requirements of academic ethics.
  • Articles previously published in other publications are not published in the journal.
  • Any type of plagiarism is prohibited. All articles undertakes the Similarity Check procedure (Turnitin).
  • Articles are published for free. Authors do not receive remuneration for their articles. All authors of texts published in separate issues of the journal are entitled to receive one copy of the corresponding issue free of charge.
  • The copyright to works published in the journal “Development of Sustainable Environment” belongs to authors, they retain copyright in their articles, but grant Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija the right of the first publication.
  • In circumstances that may lead to the termination of the publication of the journal, the previously published electronic archive of the journal will still be protected and accessible through open access.

Responsibility of the Authors

  • Submitted papers should comply with the requirements for scientific publication and have to be prepared in accordance with the guidelines for authors on structure, citation, references, abstracts and other items of the article (see Authors guidelines).
  • All paper co-authors must have made a significant contribution to the research and preparation of the paper.
  • Authors should ensure that all data used in the paper is reliable and accurate.
  • The publication should include all sources of funding used to prepare the study and paper.
  • The author should take into account the errors reported by the paper reviewers, comments on the validity of the statements and conclusions, the consistency and completeness of the presentation of the analysis, and the other reasoned opinion of the reviewer.

Review procedure and responsibility of reviewers


  • The submitted research papers are reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers selected by the Editorial Board from experts in the subject area studied. If the reviewers' conclusions regarding the paper's eligibility for publication are the opposite, the Editorial Board appoints a third reviewer and, after receiving his conclusions, decides on the eligibility of the paper for publication.
  • Reviewers are assigned confidentially, i.e., reviewers are not revealed to authors and authors- to reviewers.
  • Reviewers should notify in advance the compiler of the journal or the Editorial Board about any potential conflict of interest regarding the peer-reviewed articles offered to them, including the financial circumstances or personal attitude towards the material published.
  •  Reviewers should draw attention of the Editorial Board to similar publications if they are not included in the article under review.
  • Reviewers should ensure the confidentiality of peer-reviewed papers. They are prohibited from publicly discussing, distributing peer-reviewed papers or keeping copies in any form.

Responsibilities of editors and compilers

The Editorial Board decides on the final publication or rejection of the submitted paper. Its decision regarding the author of the paper rejection can be appealed to the Academic Ethics Commission of Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences (if there are suspected ethical violations of decision making).

The Editorial Board / compiler obligation to identify potential conflicts of interest between the author and reviewers of a submitted article (including positive or negative information on authors or relations with them or their agencies, as well as funding issues) for publication and to ensure that they do not affect acceptance or rejection of the publication.

The Editorial Board should ensure the appropriate level and order of reviewing and make objective decisions without taking into account possible preconceived views and knowledge about the author, including gender, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion or ethnic / geographical origin.

 Acceptance of the paper for publication in the scientific journal “Development of Sustainable Environment” means maximum confidence and confidence in its value.

 If it turns out that the article contains false information, the Editorial Board has to announce an error correction and/or apologies.

The author’s declaration that the paper has not been submitted anywhere else should be enclosed in the cover letter. The authors sign a cover letter confirming that all copyrights will be transferred to to the publisher in case the article will be published. Authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may occur: regardless of whether they are sponsored directly or indirectly by firms whose products or equipment are described in the article, or are associated with a competing firm in the field.

Periodical scientific journal is referred and indexing

  • Crossref (Every article published in this journal is assigned with Crossref DOI. Full metadata and open references registered in Crossref make research outputs easy to find, cite, link, and assess in any project world-wide. Further https://www.crossref.org/services/metadata-delivery/);
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals);
  • INDEX COPERNICUS ICI Journals Master List;
  • SIS (Scientific Indexing Services).