Air Intercooler Influence on Compression-Ignition Engine Energetic Indicators


  • Alfredas Rimkus Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Tadas Vipartas Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Audrius Matulis Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija


Intercooler;, turbocharger;, compression-ignition;


The paper presents experimental testing of compression-ignition engine by changing the cooling intensity of the intake air intercooler - using coolers of different constructions. Compression-ignition turbocharged vehicle has been tested at maximum power and at various speeds. The engine load is created by the car dynamometer stand. The efficiency of the air intercooler has been tested by measuring the intake air temperature to the engine. The energetic efficiency of the engine is determined by the fuel consumption.



How to Cite

Air Intercooler Influence on Compression-Ignition Engine Energetic Indicators. (2019). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 16(1), 83-90.