The Study of the Interface Between the Technological Resources of the Port Stevedoring Company and the Economic Added Value Created: the Case of Container Handling Business


  • Jelena Belova Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla
  • Jelena Krochina Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla


Container terminal;, technological resources;, economic value added;, the business environment of the port company


One of the economic indicators that is used to evaluate both the performance of the company and the efficiency of technological resources is the economic value added (EVA). The EVA indicator is very important for the owner of the company, and the analysis of the dynamics of this indicator allows to evaluate the company's development possibilities. The link between the EVA and the efficiency of technological resources can be assessed in two ways: on the one hand, the company has to invest in technological resources to increase the EVA, and on the other hand, the investment can increase the capital cost and in this case reduce the EVA. Moreover, the importance of both technological resources and EVA depends on many factors in the business environment. To evaluate the link between the technological resources of port companies carrying out container handling and the EVA in the conditions of different changes in the port business is the main purpose of this article.



How to Cite

The Study of the Interface Between the Technological Resources of the Port Stevedoring Company and the Economic Added Value Created: the Case of Container Handling Business. (2019). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 16(1), 91-100.