Investigation of Road Traffic Noise in Suburban Settlement


  • Inga Bernotienė Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
  • Eglė Jotautienė Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
  • Antanas Juostas
  • Aivars Aboltins Latvijos gyvybės mokslų ir technologijų universitetas
  • Mindaugas Zdanevičius Marijampolės kolegija


Noise;, traffic noise;, noise effects;


In today's life, the mechanized industrial and agricultural production, increased traffic flows in cities and settlements are leading to a rapid increase in noise zones. The main source of noise is the noise emitted by vehicles, which is most intense during the day and evening. This noise is considered as one of the most important sources of environmental noise, which has a negative impact on human health. Continuous environmental noise causes irritation, impairs sleep quality, stress and heart disease. One of the possible noise management principles is public information. This article presents a quantitative study of Dovilai village inhabitants satisfaction with the current noise level. The aim of the study was to make a quantitative study of the impact of noise in the surrounding area on the population. The questionnaire method for survey of the sample of 800 correspondents was selected. The research target group is Dovilai settlement inhabitants (respondents). The questionnaire was sent to all inhabitants of the settlement (1300 inhabitants). Responses were given by 800 respondents.



How to Cite

Investigation of Road Traffic Noise in Suburban Settlement. (2019). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 16(1), 62-69.