Reducing Sulfur Compounds from Ships


  • Alvydas Nikolajus Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla
  • Audra Skaisgirienė Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla


Ship transport, emissions, marine fuel, scrubbers, alternative fuel


Increasing world trade in maritime transport inevitably increases emissions from ships, while contributing to climate change. International Maritime Organization (IMO) standards require a significant reduction in sulfur emissions. The time has come for the new sulfur content requirements for marine fuels to come into force and carriers have to adapt.

This paper reviews various options for reducing air pollution with sulfur compounds in ships. An overview of different types of air purification systems (scrubbers) and their installation possibilities is provided. Methods of fuel blending and sulfur reduction technologies are analyzed. Other alternatives to reduce the use of sulfur fuel in shipping are reviewed.



How to Cite

Reducing Sulfur Compounds from Ships. (2020). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 17(1).