Anatomical features of the assimilation apparatus and haustoria of white mistletoe Viscum album L. on the host plant in the context of its semi-parasitic lifestyle


  • Yevgen Yelpitiforov NBG
  • T.B. Vakulenko National botanical garden M.M. Grushko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



Viscum album, semi-parasite, host plants, anatomy, haustoria


Іn the article рrovided the anatomical structure of mistletoe stems, ways of its penetration into the host plant. The anatomical features of the structure of mistletoe leaves are shown, the presence of drusen crystals in it, the number of conducting bundles is established. The absence of differentiation of the parenchyma into columnar and spongy is shown. The haustoria mistletoe contains chlorophyll. The differentiation of haustoria, their branching and the way of penetration into wood are shown. The formation of folds on the bark of the host plant has been shown when seeds or haustoria of mistletoe germinate. The mistletoe stem was also studied, the location of the conductive bundles was shown, as well as the formation of protective modifications of the host plant when damaged by a semi-parasite.

The analysis of chlorophyll content in Viscum album on different host plants was performed, and a quantitative comparison of Viscum album leaf parameters on different host plants was performed.




How to Cite

Anatomical features of the assimilation apparatus and haustoria of white mistletoe Viscum album L. on the host plant in the context of its semi-parasitic lifestyle. (2022). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 19(1), 33-40.