Medicinal – Phytoncide Plants: Alternative Ecological Protection Against Pests of Vegetable Plants


  • Asta Klimienė Klaipėdos universitetas, Botanikos sodas
  • Ramutis Klimas Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija



Medicinal – phytoncide plants, vegetable protection, pests, ecology


Volatile compounds that fragrant plants exclude are called phytoncides. Therefore, medicinal plants spreading heavy aroma are synonymously called phytoncide plants.  It is assumed that aroma of these plants can repel flying and crawling pests of the garden plants and influence regulation of their population, and simultaneously improve the quality of vegetable production. While using chemical preparations the pests adapt to them eventually, besides a part of these substances stay in the plants. Moreover, the use of chemical pesticides is directly related to the protection of biodiversity. In Lithuania there are various skeptical attitudes towards the application of phytoncide plants in practice to control pests of garden plants. It is especially relevant for ecological, biodynamic and other farms interested in healthier production. Consequently, the aim of this study is to assess the possibilities of common perennial herbal medicinal plants with phytoncide characteristics and their feasibility to protect vegetables from the pests. The article presents results on the effectiveness of using Tanacetum balsamita L., Origanum vulgare L., Mentha piperita L. and Thymus serpyllum L. for the protection of onions, carrots and cabbage against insect pests.



How to Cite

Medicinal – Phytoncide Plants: Alternative Ecological Protection Against Pests of Vegetable Plants. (2023). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 20(1), 80-85.