Digital Technologies in the Freight Forwarder's Work Processes


  • Jolanta Turbienė Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Domantas Andrijauskas UAB "Transtira Logistics"



Digital technology, freight forwarder, work process


Transport logistics is a field where the quality of work and the number of orders depends on the application of digital technologies. Freight forwarders organize the delivery of goods in the supply chain, considering the needs of the customer and the conditions dictated by the transport market. There is an intensive exchange of information flow between the participants of cargo delivery. The freight forwarder coordinates the incoming information flows by applying various digital technologies in his activities.

The article analyses the freight forwarders work processes using digital technologies. The monitoring survey data collected by the freight forwarder during the execution of one order is analysed. Data collection was carried out in two different companies by observing the work of a road transport and sea transport forwarder. The successful application of work technologies and the distribution of work determines the number of orders, which affects the company's income.



How to Cite

Digital Technologies in the Freight Forwarder’s Work Processes. (2023). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 20(1), 114-122.