About the Method of Decorativeness Evaluation of Calluna Vulgaris (L.) Hull and Its Cultivars
Calluna vulgaris;, heather;, decorativeness;, cultivar;, evaluation system;Abstract
Based on literary data and our observations, a scale for assessing the decorativeness of Calluna vulgaris and its cultivars has been developed. It contains nine criteria. Coefficient of significance is assigned for each of them. This scale is divided on such categories as cultivars with very low (24-38 points), low (39-52), average (53-66), increased (67-80) and high decorativeness (81-95).
According to the developed scale, the decorativeness of C. vulgaris and 10 cultivars, growing in the collection of the N.N. Grishko NBG of NAS of Ukraine in Kiev, Ukraine was assessed. There were revealed cultivars with high and increased decorativeness.
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