Environmental Feasibility of Forest Reclamation of Mining Dumps of the Western Donbass
Reikšminiai žodžiai:
mine rock, trees species, reclamation, heavy metalsSantrauka
Проанализировано содержание тяжелых металлов структурных элементов надземной фитомассы, некоторых видов деревьев на горном отвале в Степи Украины. Исследуемые показатели надземной фитомассы экспериментальных культур на участке рекультивации были лучшими, чем для деревьев, растущих на горной породе. Накопление тяжелых металлов в функциональных частях растений в значительной степени зависело от степени загрязнения субстрата произрастания. Концентрация марганца уменьшилась в листьях деревьев на участке рекультивации по сравнению с деревьями, выросшими на шахтном отвале.
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Kostenko, I. V., Opanasenko, N. E. and Novitsky, M. L. (2012). Applying of bioassay to the assessment of sulfide mine wastes, substrates and young minesoils toxicity evolution. Gruntoznavstvo, 13(3–4), 65–77.
Nik, M. Majid, N. M., Islam, M. M., Justin, V., Abdu, A. and Ahmadpour, P. (2011). Evaluation of heavy metal uptake and translocation by Acacia mangium as a phytoremediator of copper contaminated soil. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(42), 8373–8379.
Pietrzykowski, M., Socha, J. and Doom, V. (2014). Linking heavy metal bioavailability (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) in Scots pine needles to soil properties in reclaimed mine areas. Science of the Total Environment, 470–471, 501–510.
Travleyev, A. P. and Bilova, N. A. (2011). Scientific principles of forest soil biodiversity research. Ecology and noospferology, 22(1–2), 25–28.
Travleyev, A. P., Belova, N. A. and Zverkovsky, V. N. (2005). Theoretically–practical aspects of forest reclamation the territory of western Donbass in Dnipropetrovsk region. Gruntoznavstvo, 16(1–2), 19–31.
Dulama, I. V., Popescu, I. V., Stihi, C., Radulescu, C., Cimpoca, Gh. V., Toma, L.G.,… Nitescu, O. (2012). Studies on accumulation of heavy metals in acacia leaf by EDXRF. Romanian Reports in Physics, Environmental Physics, 64(4), 1063–1071.
Kabata-Pendias, A. and Pendias, H. (2001). Trace elements in soils and plants. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Kharytonov, M. (2007). Geochemical assessment of reclaimed lands in the mining regions of Ukraine. NATO ARW Soil chemical pollution, risk assessment, remediation and security, 23–26 May, Sofia, Bulgaria. L. Simeonov and V. Sargsyan (eds.). Netherlands: Springer
Kharytonov, M. M. and Kroik, A. A. (2011). Environmental Security of Solid Wastes in the Western Donbas Coal Mining Region, Ukraine. Environmental Security and Ecoterrorism: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, H. Alpas et al. (eds.), 129–138.
Kostenko, I. V., Opanasenko, N. E. and Novitsky, M. L. (2012). Applying of bioassay to the assessment of sulfide mine wastes, substrates and young minesoils toxicity evolution. Gruntoznavstvo, 13(3–4), 65–77.
Nik, M. Majid, N. M., Islam, M. M., Justin, V., Abdu, A. and Ahmadpour, P. (2011). Evaluation of heavy metal uptake and translocation by Acacia mangium as a phytoremediator of copper contaminated soil. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(42), 8373–8379.
Pietrzykowski, M., Socha, J. and Doom, V. (2014). Linking heavy metal bioavailability (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) in Scots pine needles to soil properties in reclaimed mine areas. Science of the Total Environment, 470–471, 501–510.
Travleyev, A. P. and Bilova, N. A. (2011). Scientific principles of forest soil biodiversity research. Ecology and noospferology, 22(1–2), 25–28.
Travleyev, A. P., Belova, N. A. and Zverkovsky, V. N. (2005). Theoretically–practical aspects of forest reclamation the territory of western Donbass in Dnipropetrovsk region. Gruntoznavstvo, 16(1–2), 19–31.