Essential Changes in the Engine Hyundai Man B&W S50ME-B9 Construction and their Effect on the Basic Engine Parameters


  • Eugenijus Žagaras Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla


Internal combustion engine;, temperature of the emission gas;, power;, engine emission;


The main idea of the research is to highlight the peculiarities of new generation ship engines, the implementation of which can be equated to a revolution in the production of all internal combustion engines. According to the analysis of the essential changes in construction process of HYUNDAI MAN B&W S50ME-B9 engine it can be stated, that the changes of the construction have impact on the engine's economic and emission performance.



How to Cite

Essential Changes in the Engine Hyundai Man B&W S50ME-B9 Construction and their Effect on the Basic Engine Parameters. (2019). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 16(1), 40-46.