Trends of Changes in Vehicles in Lithuania


  • Gintaras Valeika Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Jonas Matijošius Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Alfredas Rimkus Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija


Vehicles;, change;, Lithuania;, flows;, evaluation;


The constant increase in the number of vehicles is a recognized problem, that hinders sustainable urban deve-lopment. The increasing number of vehicles has a direct impact on air quality and mobility of the population. The ar-ticle provides relevant information on the extent of vehicle change. Based on it, it is possible to adopt infrastructure solutions that will reduce pollution, improve mobility and develop positive habits of the population. For harmonious city development, the means to control pollution and the permeability of the streets must be ensured. This can be achieved by planning and forecasting the number of vehicles. This is especially important for Vilnius city and other regions of Lithuania where traffic intensity is increasing. It is important to take into account and plan the smooth flow of urban traffic, avoiding congestion of car flows, which has a negative economic effect.



How to Cite

Trends of Changes in Vehicles in Lithuania. (2019). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 16(1), 47-54.