Change in Automobile Emissions by Replacing Fossil Fuels with Biofuels:

An Overview


  • Edvinas Bučinskas Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Alfredas Rimkus Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija
  • Laurynas Trukšinas Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija


Biodiesel, biogas, hydrogen, emissions, dual fuel


Usage of fossil fuels in transport sector has an enormous impact on formation of greenhouse gases. In this article an overview of other researchers works are given, parameters such as change in emissions of compression ignition engine working in dual fuel mode are reviewed. In order to decrease usage of fossil fuels, diesel is changed by biodiesel and natural gas is changed by biogas. Properties of biogas are improved by adding hydrogen. Fuel burning process change and fuel composition impact on emissions are analyzed. Summarized conclusions are given at the end of the article.



How to Cite

Change in Automobile Emissions by Replacing Fossil Fuels with Biofuels:: An Overview. (2020). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 17(1).