Analysis of Asian and North American Transport Platforms


  • Kristina Čižiūnienė Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
  • Marija Kolosova Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
  • Živilė Gomienė Vilniaus kolegija
  • Liudmila Burinskienė Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas


Transport platforms, market, GDP, Asia, North America


Transportation is a major and important component of the national economy and is closely related to the country's economic indicators. The contribution of transport to the economies of countries is important, and it drives the need to develop these activities beyond their own country, region or continent. These processes, in turn, stimulate new technological opportunities for the development and / or expansion. One of these is transport platforms. Transport platforms are widespread not only in Europe but also on other continents. This article analyzes the North American and Asian markets and evaluates the transport platforms operating in them. In order to assess the transport sector of these countries and their contribution to the economy, a comparative analysis was first carried out which showed that only the North American economy grew steadily during the period considered. The assessment of transport platforms found that there are not many of them and they are not too informative, and do not have interconnections.



How to Cite

Analysis of Asian and North American Transport Platforms. (2020). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 17(1).