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Author Guidelines

The journal publishes original research papers and other scientific information in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages. The author’s declaration that the paper has not been submitted anywhere else should be enclosed in the cover letter.


Thematic scope: formation of urban territories and environment, landscape design, green spaces design, landscape architecture, biodiversity of green areas.


Types of published articles: original scientific papers, information, review-studies.


An electronic copy of manuscript prepared by MS Word editor and of Times New Roman type and a cover letter should be submitted to the Editorial Board. The text of a paper should be printed on one side of a sheet of paper of A4 format in single spacing of 12 pt type. Format pages with the following margins: top – 25 mm; bottom – 25 mm; left – 22 mm, right – 18 mm. The volume of a paper is up to 10 pages. If a paper has more than one author, a person responsible for correspondence with the Editorial Board of the Journal should be indicated. A paper is to be reviewed by 2 members of the Editorial Board or by its appointed experts. An accepted paper should be corrected by the author taking into account the remarks of the reviewers, or the motives of disregard for the remarks should be explained. An electronic copy of the corrected paper has to be presented to the Editorial Board not later than in a fortnight after obtaining the review.


Copyright: The journal is protected by copyright held by the publisher after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. As concerns the transfer of rights, the corresponding author takes responsibility for all authors.


Manuscript layout:

A research paper should include the following parts:

  • Title of the paper;
  • Name (-s) and surname (-s) of the author (-s);
  • Institution (address, telephones, e-mail);
  • Abstract in paper language;
  • Abstract in foreign language;
  • Introduction;
  • Material and methods;
  • Results and discussion (‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’ can be presented in the different chapters too);
  • Conclusions;
  • List of literature;
  • Summary in foreign language.


Five hundred characters are the maximum permissible in the abstract. Five keywords are recommended. Abstract should be printed in 10 pt, Normal.

Summary (at least 250 words) should be written in English (if the article is published in Lithuanian or Russian) or in Lithuanian (if the article is published in English). Summary should be printed in 10 pt, Normal.

Title of the paper should be printed in 14 pt, Bold, centered, title ‘Abstract’ – should be printed  in 10 pt, Bold, align to the left, titles of all other structural parts (chapters) should be printed in 12 pt, Bold, centered. Text should be left hand matching.

The space between text and title of chapters should be one line interval. The first line indented 10 mm.


Titles of subchapters are started in new line, 12 pt, Italic, with the text being continued in the same line. Text should be justified.

Main symbols of formulae are written in 12 pt, Italic, their indices – 10 pt. The formulae are centered and numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right side of the column. A formula is followed by full stop, if the meanings used are not explained; and by comma – if the meanings used are explained. Then new line without indent is started with a word “here” and explanation of every meaning is presented.

Tables and figures (no colour) should be presented after their references in the text but not after the conclusions. The titles of tables, graphs, figures, included notes should be presented in Lithuanian (or Russian) and English language. Figures and tables may be printed on the full page width. Diagrams and drawings are done with computer. Complex drawings done by hand, are scanned and, therefore, presented in separate file (*.tif or *pcx), resolution – 300 dpi.

It can be submitted 2-4 colour photographs. But only of a high quality and good for reproduction photographs are presented. They should be submitted in high resolution (300 dpi) jpg format.

Titles of figures, tables and notes are printed in (10 pt Normal, centered) in Lithuanian or Russian and in (10 pt, Italic) in English language.

In tables original text is written in 10 pt, Normal.

The space between figures, tables and text is one line interval.

After the main text of the article the List of Literature is presented. The List of Literature is compiled following bibliographic requirements and order of reference in the article.The List of Literature is printed in 10 pt, Normal. In the List of Literature it is recommended to include all items cited in the paper. The newest sources should be cited. Scientific reports, textbooks, directories, advertising leaflets, manuscripts, popular journals are not considered as the sources and are not included in the List. Titles of editions are not reduced. Lists of the Literature should be presented in original writing and in alphabetic order: first latin letters, and then cyrillics. In the List of Literature all the authors should be indicated by the following succession: the surname of the author, the first letter of a name, the title of the article, tome, publishing place, publishing year, pages.



  1. For periodical publications:

Thon A., Kircher W., Thon I. Constructed Wetlands on Roofs as a Module of Sanitary Environmental Engineering to Improve Urban Climate and Benefit on the Thermal Effects. Formation of Urban Green Areas Scientific Articles, 1(7). Klaipėda, 2010. P. 191–196.

  1. For books:

Cheifetz A., Double C., Barnard L., Imwold D. (eds.). Annuals and Perennials. Sydney, 2004.

Nekrošienė R. Ornamental and Other Plants as Indicators of Environmental Quality. Kaunas, 2008.

  1. For on-line documents:

Krier L. О. The Suppression of Classical Architecture in Postwar Germany. 1998 [interactive]. Internet link:


If there are more than two authors of the cited publication, in the text the first one should be given with indications „et al“.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Visa pateikta medžiaga turi atitikti šiuos reikalavimus.

  • Straipsnis anksčiau nebuvo paskelbtas, taip pat jis nebuvo prieš tai pateiktas kitam žurnalui svarstyti (arba paaiškinimas buvo pateiktas redaktoriaus pastabose)
  • Straipsnio failas yra OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, arba RTF dokumento formate.
  • Kur įmanoma, pateiktos nuorodos į išorinius interneto šaltinius.
  • Tekstas yra viengubo tarpo tarp eilučių; naudoja 12 taškų šriftą; naudojamas kursyvas, o ne pabraukimas (išskyrus interneto adresus); visos iliustracijos, skaičiai ir lentelės pateikiamos tekste atitinkamose vietose, o ne pabaigoje.
  • Tekstas atitinka stilistikos ir bibliografijos reikalavimus, išdėstytus autoriaus gairėse.

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