Greenery in Former Manor Places and Their Arrangement


  • Laimutis Januškevičius Kauno technologijos universiteto Statybos ir architektūros fakulteto Architektūros ir kraštotvarkos katedra
  • Jūratė Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė Kauno technologijos universiteto Statybos ir architektūros fakulteto Architektūros ir kraštotvarkos katedra


manor place, park, species, cultivar


In 1999-2009 200 parks in former manor places were explored and evaluated. 107 historic parks have mixed (53,5%), 55 parks (27,5%) have geometric and 38 parks (19%) have irregular structure of the plan. 350 species and cultivars of introduced ligneous plants are registered (95 are Pinophyta, 255 are Magnoliophyta) which belong to 39 families and 93 genera (Pinophyta – 4 families and 11 genera, Magnoliophyta – 35 and 82). It is established that the first steps of renovation of the historic park should be the basic clear-out and maintenance works and the main attention has to be paid to the reconstruction of the spatial structure of the park. Well maintained parks live and retain features of authenticity for 200–300 years but every generation has the right to arrange the park satisfying it needs without compromising the future generations to meet their own needs and not decreasing the cultural value of the park.

Author Biographies

  • Laimutis Januškevičius, Kauno technologijos universiteto Statybos ir architektūros fakulteto Architektūros ir kraštotvarkos katedra

    Studentų g. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas

    Tel. (8–37) 45 15 46

  • Jūratė Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Kauno technologijos universiteto Statybos ir architektūros fakulteto Architektūros ir kraštotvarkos katedra

    Studentų g. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas

    Tel. (8–37) 45 15 46


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