Constructed Wetlands on Roofs as a Module of Sanitary Environmental Engeneering to Improve Urban Climate and Benefit of the On Site Thermal Effects


  • Andreas Thon Anhalt University of Applied Siences
  • Wolfram Kircher Anhalt University of Applied Siences
  • Ina Thon Anhalt University of Applied Siences


roof garden, storm- and rainwater management, sustainable water use, Urban climate


Research Projects and own research show high potential of Roof Gardens for water retention, water purification ability and on Site Thermal effects. Constructed wetlands as a part of sanitarty environmental management help to balance intense rainfalls and improve insulation of buildings while increasing air humidity and lowering air temperature in dense Urban areas.

Author Biographies

  • Andreas Thon, Anhalt University of Applied Siences

    Strenzfelder Allee 29, D-06406 Bernburg

    Tel.: 0049-177 4977755

  • Wolfram Kircher, Anhalt University of Applied Siences

    Strenzfelder Allee 29, D-06406 Bernburg

    Tel.: 0049-177 4977755

  • Ina Thon, Anhalt University of Applied Siences

    Strenzfelder Allee 29, D-06406 Bernburg

    Tel.: 0049-177 4977755


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