Viability of the Species in the Genus Acer L. in the City Parks of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine


  • Ye. P. Suslova Донецкий ботанический сад НАН Украины ул. Маршака 50, г. Кривой Рог, 50089, Украина


park plantations, species in the genus Acer L., age categories, ecomorphic structure, viability


The research results on the species of the genus Acer L. found in urban park plantings of the steppe zone of Ukraine are presented. The representativeness of certain species in plantations, their age and viability are determined. The study has shown that in the park plantations there are 6 species and one form of maple. The most common among them are A. negundo L., A. platanoides L. and A. campestre L. The total share of the named species in plantations is 72 % of all identified plants within the genus. Maples are mostly represented by medium-aged plants (64 %). Seventy-three percent of the total tree number in the investigated species are healthy and rated by high (6–8) viability score. The life condition of A. saccharinum L. was found to get worse from the age of 30 years; from 40 years in A. negundo L., A. platanoides L. and A. pseudoplatanus L., from 50 years in A. campestre and A. tataricum L. From this survey it was concluded that in the city parks of the steppe zone of Ukraine old trees of various species in the genus Acer require replacement for young seedlings on reaching the age of 40–50 years.


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