Historic Greenery – Our Cultural Heritage Live


  • Milda Aidukaitė Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga


historical park, cultural heritage, landscape architecture, architecture composition


Lithuanian law regulating historic greenery protection and restoration, maintenance requires professional tree condition assessment. Rich park character interpretation allows to preserve the authenticity of heritage sites and to ensure the proper use of the area. Historical Park concept is associated with applied Dendrological historical research. The latter helps to clarify understanding of tree species distribution in the Park, to identify structure on dendrology aspect. The work is the continuity of the design of the park for further direction, sensing the spirit of the park.
Our cultural heritage live requires a sensitive approach and a coherent continuous professional work in order to maintain its valuable properties, so that we can know it and be there.

Author Biography

  • Milda Aidukaitė, Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga

    Kalvarijų g. 1-9, LT-09310 Vilnius, tel. 8 686 48551


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