Pollution Effects on Lime Plant Health of the City of Vilnius
limes, dry deposition, VilniusAbstract
In lime trees, growing in pedestrian zone in Antakalnis, in lawns in Žirmunų, Kareivių Streets leaves necrosis was 61–95%, 3 defolation class, in Savanorių Avenue – 4 class, Architektų and other Streets below – 1–2 defolation class. In the lowest emission zone in Architektų Street and Verkiai park the defolation class was 1. Dry deposition of pollutants produces different effect, in some cases, they reduce the spread of fungal diseases, and low levels of contamination (14.46 mgS/m2, 2.44 mgN/m²) affect the fastidioses agents of limes leaves (Verkiai park).
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