The Significance of Landscape Art in the City According to the Results of the Target Survey


  • Vaiva Deveikienė Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Architektūros fakulteto Urbanistikos katedra Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius


landscape architecture, the object of landscape architecture creation, urban landscape, survey, respondents


The article reviews and analyzes the importance of landscape architecture objects in the structure of the city. The research was conducted and the article was prepared based on a survey of participants at the Rietavas Professional Workshop in 2016. The article presents the results and conclusions of the analysis of opinions produced by three groups of respondents (architects, landscape architects and other professions) on the importance of the elements of urban landscape in the spatial structures of the city, of streets and neighborhoods, as well as on the concept of creative field of landscape architecture.


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