Eugène Hénard (1849–1923) – the Author of Paris Transformation Study and a Creator of the City of Future


  • Vaiva Deveikienė Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Architektūros fakulteto Urbanistikos katedra Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius
  • Steponas Deveikis Vilniaus universiteto Ekonomikos fakultetas


Eugène Hénard (1849–1923); urbanism, town planning, Paris, city parks


This article provides a review of the activity and creativity of the French architect and urban planner Eugène Hénard (1849–1923). The development of his ideas and tradition continues today. The article focuses on the architectural landscape of objects and patterns of urban development experience, a study on transformation of Paris city (1903–1909) and its theoretical and practical aspects, the knowledge of which is significant in terms of the continuity of history and experience of urban landscape architecture, academic education, and study program.


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