The Pinophyta Plants on the Landscapes of the "Alexandria" Park


  • Игорь Мордатенко Дендрологический парк «Александрия» НАН Украины Киевская обл., г. Белая Церковь, 091013 Украина
  • Наталья Дойко Дендрологический парк «Александрия» НАН Украины Киевская обл., г. Белая Церковь, 091013 Украина
  • Наталья Бойко Дендрологический парк «Александрия» НАН Украины Киевская обл., г. Белая Церковь, 091013 Украина


conifers, introduction, park landscape, use


The article contains data on the time of appearance of the first introducents of coniferous plants in the park. The results of the inventory of the modern taxonomic composition of the Pinophyta section (95 species, 7 varieties, 245 cultivars) in the Alexandria arboretum, including 36 species and 13 cultivars, which grow in the park landscapes, are presented. A brief description is given (year of introduction, number of specimens, type of planting and methods of use). The estimation of their durability in local conditions and prospects of their use in green construction is given.


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