The Form of the Objects Presenting Vegetation as an Element of Urban Development on the Example of a Greenhouse Design in the Wroclaw's Botanical Garden


  • Konrad Dobrowolski University of Applied Science in Nysa, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning

Reikšminiai žodžiai:

functionalism, formalism, amorphous form, Wroclaw Botanical garden


The issue of the palm house or arboretum project in the botanical garden in Wroclaw was directly connected with the need to implement this function for the time, when Wroclaw fulfilled the honorable function of "Wroclaw – a city of meetings " and in 2016 "Wroclaw – a European city of culture".

Existing Wroclaw's botanical garden is an area with much natural beauty, which is one of the major tourist destinations in the town. A large number of visitors, the surrounding nature, numerous trails and water contact possibilities were among the main factors that determined the topic and location of this work.

The aim of this article is the presentation of the discussion on the subject of form of the buildings presenting vegetation in the botanical gardens. During the discussion, I will try to prove correctness of the choice of the amorphous form about the sense of maintaining the form over the function in the case of botanical gardens, or introducing the form as the superior, further defined it as a symbol of the function designed inside of the object.


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