Architectural Aspect of Aging at Home Applying the Principles of Biophilic and Universal Design

Experimental Project of Residential Quarter in the Territory of the Former Linkuva Manor Residence


  • Deimantė Bužinskaitė Kauno technologijos universitetas
  • Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė Kauno technologijos universitetas



Aging, aging society, aging at home, experimental design, biophilic design, universal design, Linkuva manor residence territory


This study presents the concept of aging at home and highlights the problems and opportunities related to its implementation by architectural means. The possibilities of realizing this concept in Lithuania, in the urban-rural interface zone, are illustrated by an experimental project of a quarter adapted for aging at home. A plot of land in the territory of the former Linkuva manor residence, Mosėdžio St., Kaunas was chosen for the experimental project. This area, which has a close connection with both the natural and the urban environment, has revealed the possibilities of applying the principles of biophilic design and universal design in creating a physically accessible and psychologically acceptable environment adapted to aging at home.



How to Cite

Architectural Aspect of Aging at Home Applying the Principles of Biophilic and Universal Design: Experimental Project of Residential Quarter in the Territory of the Former Linkuva Manor Residence. (2021). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 18(1), 38-54.