Small But Great Landscape Architectural Elements


  • Milda Aidukaitė Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga


landscape architectural buildings, landscape elements, spatial structure, landscape architecture, public area, historic green – areas, green plantations, architecture composition, arts interaction


Presence of small landscape architectural elements in dimensional structures inspires to experience different senses, actions or making various studies of the area. These elements bring some aesthetics, ideological and political value, meet cultural and practical needs, and encourage activity in one or another aspect. That is very important elements of landscape architecture, which finalize the connections of dimensional structures in artistic, functional and ideological viewpoints. This article consists of analysis of geographic aspects of landscape architectural elements, how they reflect the different periods of time and style. Also it proves the importance of shape, size, material, colour and location of the small landscape architectural elements.

Author Biography

  • Milda Aidukaitė, Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga

    Kalvarijų g. 1-9, LT-09310 Vilnius. Tel. 8 686 48551


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