The Research of (Fraxinus L.) Genus Plants in Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University


  • Jolanta Šabūnaitė Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Kauno botanikos sodas
  • Antanina Stankevičienė Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Kauno botanikos sodas


Fraxinus L., diversity, state, Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University.


Article introduces an overview of the research of intruduction of ash tree genus (Fraxinus L.) plants carried out in Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University: plant diversity, introduction process, status. In 2017 in the collection of Fraxinus tree genus plants there were 16 taxa: 8 species, 2 subspecies, 6 varieties. The article presents the time and place of the acquisition of these plants. The severity of the damage of Leafhopper pest Empoasca vitis from (Cicadellidae) family and diseases of physiological origin (dry branches) is described. The most important damage for the Fraxinus genus plants in Lithuania is the increased amount of dry branches in the ash crown. The research revealed F. americana and F. excelsior and its species: 'Diversifolia Pendula', 'Variegata' and also F. nigra to have biggest number of dry branches on their crowns. Empoasca vitis has damaged F. exelsior and its species: 'Diversifolia Pendula', 'Diversifolia' and F. nigra by 0–3 grades. Ash tree in Lithuania most commonly is affected by fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (= Chalara fraxinea).


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