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Author Guidelines

Research articles (theoretical/conceptual or empirical) publishing the results of research carried out by the authors in the fields of social and/or other sciences are accepted for publication in the
conference proceedings (journal). The articles must be in Lithuanian or English. The manuscript text must comply with the requirements of the language and written text and must be without
spelling, punctuation or stylistic mistakes. All papers submitted for publication are blind reviewed. 
After reviewing, taking into consideration the reviewer’s comments, the papers may be sent back to the authors for revision.
Structure of the article
 Title;
 Author’s first name, surname, academic degree, job title, department and institution.
 Abstract (up to 250 words). The abstract must be written in the language of the article and also include up to 5 key words written on a new line and separated by commas.
 Introduction, including the research problem, relevance and context, research issue, aim and methods.
 Main body of the article. The main body of the article must be divided into sections. The sections may be divided into subsections. The main sections may provide additional background and relevance of the research, methodology (sample, data collection method, instrument, process and analysis), research findings and their interpretation.
Sections (Level I headline) and subsections (Level II headline) are to be marked with Arabic numerals (e.g. 1., 2., 1.1., 1.2.)
 Conclusions; (must be numbered);
 Summary (500 to 650 words). The summary should include the main aspects of the article: the research problem, aim, methodology (for empirical research), main findings and conclusions. The keywords written in the language of the summary must follow the summary on a new line.
 References.
Manuscript formatting requirements
1. The manuscript must be written in Microsoft WordTM, using Times New Roman 12pt font, single spaced, justified text alignment.
2. The manuscript must be formatted in size A4 with the margins as follows: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 2.5 cm, right – 1.0 cm; the indentation of 1 cm of the first line of the paragraph.
3. The length of the manuscript should be 5 to 15 pages.
4. The title of the article must be written in bold capital letters using centered text alignment.
5. Author‘s first name and surname, academic degree and job title must be written in bold italic 12pt font, centered. The author‘s affiliation must be written in 12pt italic font and centered.
6. The text of the manuscript must be written in 10pt font, the main words must be in 10 pt bold font. The abstract, introduction, conclusions, references and summary should not be numbered.
7. The headings of the sections must be written in bold 12pt lower case letters with the exception of the first letter, centered. The subheadings of the sections must be written in bold 12pt lower case letters with the exception of the first letter, and centered.
8. The text must include citations with references to other sources provided in the text:
8.1. the author‘s surname and the year of publication are given in brackets (Surname, 2015);
8.2. if the author‘s name occurs in the sentence, only the year is given in brackets, e.g., Surname (2015) argued that...;
8.3. if the author of the source is an organization, or the source has no author, the reference indicates only the name or title of the source and the year (Statistics Lithuania, 2015);
8.4. when giving a reference to a number of sources written by different authors, the surnames of the authors are separated by semicolons (Surname, 2015; Surname, 2011);
8.5. when citing a number of sources published by the same author in the same year, the publications are distinguished by adding letters a, b, c etc. to the year (Surname 2015a, 2015b);
8.5. when quoting directly from another source, the page number should be given (Surname, 2015, p. 10).
9. Formulas must be written using special tools (e.g., Microsoft Equation 3.0). The formula must be written in the middle of the line with a comma, and the linking word must be written below the formula on the next line; all variables should be described in a column. Formulas should be numbered with Arabic numerals in brackets. Numbers must be indicated to the right of the formula
using tabs. 
10. Tables must be centered, and the text must be written in 10pt. The table should be inserted in the text with its number indicated in brackets, e.g. (Table 1). The caption for the table must be given above the table in 12pt and centered. The number of the table must be written above the caption. The tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in 12pt and aligned right. The word “table” should be written next to the number, e.g. Table 1.
11. Figures (graphs, charts, diagrams) must be prepared using applications and positioned in the text with centered alignment under the references. Figures must be of good quality, inserted in the text with the number indicated in brackets, e.g. (Fig. 1). The caption for the figure (capital initial letter) must be provided under the figure in 12 pt font and centered. An Arabic numeral  ust
precede the caption, indicating the consecutive number of the illustration, and the abbreviation „Fig.“ must be used for the word „figure‘ in bold 12 pt font. If the figure is provided from another source, a reference to the original source must be given under its caption (the author and the title of the source, year of publication, page).
12. The text of the summary must be written in 10pt and justified. The title of the article and the key words in the foreign language must be written in bold 10pt font.
13. The list of references must be numbered and arranged in alphabetical order. If there are some authors with the same surname, they must be listed by the initial letters of their first names. Below we provide some examples of citing different kinds of sources in a bibliography:
JONAITIS, P. (2018). Maisto produktų technologija. Vilnius: Technika.
JONAITIS, M. (2018). Rizikos vertinimas gamyboje. Naujoji komunikacija, nr. 5 (170). P. 1-20.
Electronic documents:
Bibliografinė Europos Sąjungos oficialiųjų dokumentų bazė [interaktyvus]. Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka. Informacijos centras [žiūrėta 2017-06-10]. Prieiga per internetą: web.login.
The articles which do not meet the language standards or the requirements of academic writing or do not comply with the structural or editing requirements will not be reviewed or

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

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