Evolution of Sustainable Architecture: Review of Literature and Examples


  • Gediminas Viliūnas Kauno technologijos universitetas
  • Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė Kauno technologijos universitetas




Architecture, sustainable architecture, sustainable development


The aim of the research is to accomplish the review of scientific literature databases and the examples of sustainable architecture and, after systematizing the development and problems related to sustainability perspective and sustainable architecture in the world and the situation in Lithuania, to search for alternative solutions to the current situation of sustainable architecture in each decade, starting in the 1980s. The research is implemented in two stages: first, a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative literature review and analysis of progress and regression in the field of sustainable architecture for each decade in terms of expression, technology, materials are carried out based on the implemented examples of sustainable architecture; in the second stage, the analysis and assessment of today’s issues of sustainable architecture in the world and the situation in Lithuania are performed.



How to Cite

Evolution of Sustainable Architecture: Review of Literature and Examples. (2021). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 18(1), 108-122. https://doi.org/10.52320/dav.v18i1.176