Historical Park as a Place of Emotions and Experiences - from Functional to Emotional Green Zoning


  • Vaiva Deveikienė LKAS, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės administracija
  • Steponas Deveikis LKAS, Kraštovaizdžio ir želdynų ekspertų grupė




Emotional zoning, historical park, manor park, Ilzenberg, Traku Voke, Vyzulionys


The article presents and examines the methodology of emotional zoning of the park. The ideas of modern landscape architecture and post-modern landscape architecture are realized by means of greenery design, often without paying attention to the emotional potential and identity of old, historical greenery. The article emphasizes the aspects of the creation of landscape architecture objects, urban planning, which are relevant and significant in the renovation processes of old, historical greenery, and innovative idea for the further development of Lithuanian landscape architecture.



How to Cite

Deveikienė, V., & Deveikis, S. (2024). Historical Park as a Place of Emotions and Experiences - from Functional to Emotional Green Zoning. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 21(1), 57–71. https://doi.org/10.52320/dav.v21i1.298

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