
  • Sigita Saulėnienė Kauno kolegija
  • Emilija Trepekaitė Kauno kolegija



pre-school education, citizenship competence, citizenship competence development


Relevance of the topic. The article aims to find out how the citizenship competence of preschool children is developed in a preschool educational institution. At first, the article discusses citizenship competence and its development(s) in preschool age. Then, the practical aspects of the development of citizenship competence of preschool children in a preschool educational institution are determined. A commissioned qualitative study was carried out in 2023. March-April In Kaunas nursery-kindergarten "X". The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature and documents, oral interview (partially structured interview). The research results revealed: citizenship competence in preschool age is defined as the formation and development of civic and democratic values. Citizenship competence consists of the following components: civic identity and civic power, living in a community in the creation of a democratic society, respect for human rights and freedoms, and state building and strengthening of statehood in the international community. The analysis of the data of the empirical study highlighted the problems of the implemented citizenship education content. Attention should be drawn to the knowledge of the rights and duties of citizens, activities for the benefit of society, forming the internal dispositions of a person. There is a lack of ways and methods of imparting democratic values in the process of diversity education. Thus, it can be assumed that it is appropriate to pay more attention to the development of citizenship competence in preschool education, by including interesting, unusual activities in the educational process, which would help children focus better and adopt democratic values. The object of the research. Development of citizenship competence of pre-school children in a pre-school educational institution. The aim of the research. To reveal the citizenship competence development of preschool children in a preschool educational institution. Objectives of the research: to discuss citizenship competence and its development in preschool age; to determine the practical aspects of the development of citizenship competence of pre-school children in a pre-school educational institution. Research methods. Analysis of scientific literature and documents, oral survey.


  1. Citizenship competence is the formation and development of civic and democratic value attitudes, which consists of the components of citizenship competence: civic identity and civic power, living in a community in the creation of a democratic society, respect for human rights and freedoms, and the creation of a state and strengthening of statehood in the international community. Citizenship competence in preschool age consists of developing critical and creative thinking about one's role in society, the ability to establish and maintain relationships with peers and adults, being tolerant, responsible, and understanding personal rights and responsibilities. Citizenship in the preschool age is revealed by accumulating knowledge about one's immediate environment and home country, and supplementing it with new knowledge about the world. It is appropriate to develop citizenship competence through various games and activities that promote democracy and citizenship.
  2. The analysis of empirical research data highlighted the problems of the implemented citizenship education content. Attention should be drawn to the knowledge of the rights and duties of citizens, activities for the benefit of society, forming the internal dispositions of a person. There is a lack of ways and methods of imparting democratic values in the process of diversity education. Thus, it can be assumed that it is appropriate to pay more attention to the development of citizenship competence in preschool education, by including interesting, unusual activities in the educational process, which would help children focus better and adopt democratic values.



How to Cite

Saulėnienė, S., & Trepekaitė, E. (2023). CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCE EDUCATION OF PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN IN A PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTION. Studies – Business – Society: Present and Future Insights, 1(VIII), 133–142.