Reinforced concrete churches:

the context of the work of architect Antanas Vivulskis (1877–1919)


  • Vaiva Deveikienė Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
  • Steponas Deveikis Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga



Reinforced concrete, church buildings, Antanas Vivulskis (1877–1919), Auguste Perret (1874–1954)


The construction and architectural expression of sacral buildings receive a great deal of attention from the public and architects, high-quality materials are used, and new construction technologies are applied. The determination of architect Antanas Vivulskis (1877–1919) to build sacral building of reinforced concrete in Vilnius, Lithuania, is related to the construction of reinforced concrete churches that began during his studies in Western Europe, especially in France. The article analyses the context of the A. Vivulskis church construction project in Vilnius; presents the examples of the construction of reinforced concrete churches in France at the beginning of the 20th century.



How to Cite

Reinforced concrete churches:: the context of the work of architect Antanas Vivulskis (1877–1919). (2021). SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, 18(1), 71-83.

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